Sunday, September 19, 2010

United We Stand?

As yet another anniversary of 9/11 passed, America paused their lives for a moment to reflect. The day will remain embedded in the minds of all Americans, and with it they remember a day of chillingly cruel terror. It was horrific, in the least. Yet, as we discussed in class, it was a day of unity. Every single American was in the same state of fear, and they came together to grieve. Borders were broken down, and labels disappeared.

Yet, exactly nine years later, this unity has been long lost. It has been replaced by division and hate. It isn’t America anymore, but Americans that want the mosque or Americans that don’t. Americans that blame Al Qaeda and Americans that blame our very own government. Yes, in tragedy does come unity, but it was very short lived. So I ask, how can America achieve lasting unity? How can we break down the invisible borders so obviously impeding our growth?


  1. Valerie,

    While I do believe that many Americans have lost their unity by voicing their hatred of the idea of the mosque near Ground Zero, I do not believe that all Americans have. Unity is something that must be achieved, however, not everyone can achieve it. I believe that we can only hope for the best, the best being a majority of America being tolerant of all religions and people, regardless of borders. We cannot change those who aren't tolerant, but rather we should celebrate those who are.

  2. Val,

    Whenever I hear the numbers 9 and 11 together I immediately think of the terrorist attacks. The same reaction occurs when I hear July fourth, October thirty-first, and December twenty-fifth but for different reasons. The 9/11 terrorist attacks will always be remembered in this country, and the deaths of thousands of people will always be mourned. Even when watching TV the only stories were about 9/11 and the heroes associated with the rescues. For this reason, I believe we are still united as a country. There is no perfect/ideal government; there will always be disagreements and several ideas for our country. This does not, however, mean that we are divided.
