Sunday, October 24, 2010


While rereading my blog post, I was able to view them much more subjectively. There was a definite progression in not only the writing of my posts, but the content and creativity. Just the titles of my first three posts demonstrate the unoriginality and lack of creativeness on my part. They were all posed as questions: “Do Bad People Deserve Good Obituaries?”,“Living a Lie?” and “United We Stand?” Their formats were all the same. First, summarize a topic we had discussed in class. Secondly, pose about this discussion. Third, answer the question. It was boring, uninteresting, and redundant.

But I’m not beating myself up. There were a lot of things I did right I certainly showed more progression. The format has changed in my last couple of posts. Instead of posing a question and answering it, I investigate an issue and leave an opened ended explanation, (not answer!), up to interpretation(check out B&W!) I also began using firsthand experiences and relating to the material.

Simply reading through my comments was eye opening in itself. I noticed that a lot of the commenter’s had picked out certain words or phrases that I had used and criticized them. I was, understandably, berated for my controversial comments such as “race is nothing” and that “everyone can acquire knowledge equally.” Theses weren’t the statements I necessarily believed, but I worded them very poorly and they simply came out wrong. I meant “Biologically speaking, race is nothing” and “everyone is born with the ability to acquire knowledge equally.” These simple changes could have avoided a lot of confusion and controversy.

For the future, there is a lot I need to work on. I really need to focus on variation of content and style of blog posts. I need to be careful with my wording and strong opinions, and try to bring in more sources and multimedia than just my opinion and class discussion.


  1. hi

    I've want to exchange link with you.

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  2. Val,

    1) I love your music selection. How did you get to know all of these bands, especially the Pixies??

    2) Love your honesty and your willingness to learn from your critics. You clearly understand how important word choice comes across to the reader.
