Yesterday was one of the most important days of the year: Earth Day. Yes, it is is important because are we are decimating our earth and ourselves in the process. It is important because people take action planting trees, organizing events, and enjoying the beauty of earth. But the real importance is in its principle. It is one of the only days that the world becomes a community. There are no barriers separating people of different ethnicities, religion, gender, and race. It is the one thing, aside from being human, that every single person in this entire world shares and feels the same way about. Nobody, albeit some crazies, wants to see the deterioration of earth. This is why I urge everyone to go the Earth Day website (click HERE), and sign the pledge to act green. You might think that your actions, as an individual, doesn't matter. But just imagine if all seven billion of us humans did an act of green. And for that matter, don't limit yourself to today. Try living everyday consientous of your actions on our earth. Earth will thank ya!
I completely agree that it's important to take care of the Earth, but I don't think that Earth Day is really helping us to do that. I came across this article, Earth Day Sucks, at http://community.miir.com/blog/2011/04/27/earth-day-sucks/. It points out that Earth Day is only one day and that we all go back to being wasteful the day after, which I think is a big problem, but I don't know how we can go about fixing it unless everyone does his part.