Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Art Blows"

While discussing the first amendment in ‘Perilous Times”, we came across a very interesting obstacle in interpreting the Constitution. When does a form of media, say a movie, cross the line from a form of art to a form of porn? When does a speech intended for the high school students turn into a public display of sexual rant? How can you define art, in order to help maintain the validity and intention of the Constitution? Namely, what is art?
Well, in my opinion, art is beauty and beauty is in the eye of beholder. It is undefinable. Thus, deeming the constitutionality of a subject by its artistic qualities is unfair and un-American. So what happens when a t.v show has a detailed sex scene? When does it turn into full-blown pornography, and how can we limit it? Maybe, don’t. It sounds crazy, especially considering a porn-like show could be aired on public television. But you know what? That’s what HBO is for. Everything, in a way, is art. And it is unconstitutional to limit the way people express themselves, maybe we can just limit the audience who can view it.

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