Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Slow Down There Americans!

I had a bit of an epiphany today in class. I realized that our viewing of Citizen Kane in American Studies was one of the few movies I had truly watched in a very long time. We later had a class discussion about this. Americans are so efficiency-obsessed that they can never just watch tv shows or movies without feeling the desire to get something done. I find myself feeling this way constantly. I never watch tv, when I do I feel guilty about spending time for myself. I always think of something more efficient that could be done.

I was recently skimming through a health book that highlight this American phenomenon. By constantly worry, working, and planning; American's are not truly living. We have lost the ability to live in the moment, truly soak up the world around us. Hard work is an American value. But the more American success slips from our hands, the more hard work we put into our lives. This type of hard work is not the answer. For true success(happiness) and to ensure our sanity, we must learn to live in the now. This means doing one thing at a time, slowly, and with purpose.

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you are saying here Valerie, but I think that in some cases, delayed gratification is in order. I work hard during the year, knowing that I will be able to relax more during the summer, on weekends, and after graduation (high school or college). And quite frankly, I don't want to live in the moment and appreciate the time I am given when I am doing homework or am trying to stay awake in class.
