Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Decade of Oops

As 2009 ends, so does the decade. I have contemplated long and hard about the past decade and how it will be remembered. Only time will tell. But there did seems to be a very common motif throughout the decade..

2000: Election ballots miscounted in Florida, costing Gore the presidential election. OOPS

2003: Invasion of Iraq because of supposed "weapons of mass destruction." OOPS

2004: Janet Jackson reveals bare breast to millions during Superbowl. OOPS

2008: Banks irresponsibly hand out mortgages, people irresponsibly buy houses. Recession ensues. OOPS

So there was a whole lot of bad and whole lot off good. But most of all, there seemed to be a whole lot off oops.


  1. I think in any function, there will be an oops. Every concert I have ever played I have messed up at least once. Every test I have ever taken I have missed some point somewhere. I think we can choose to make the best of our oops or the worst. If you think on the bright side, technology has come leaps and bounds in just 10 years. Remember when a Megabyte was a lot? I'll bet your parents do. Now, you can get a device that holds 1 trillion bytes for about $80. Cell phones have gone from bricks to small computers and entertainment systems. In addition, lots of good stuff happened like people were born, books were written, people were saved, etc. I see a lot of good with a few stains here and there, but mostly good. I see the oopses, but they can become what you make of them.

  2. David, I completely agree. I have never heard of a decade that went absolutely perfectly. I recognized these "oopses" not just for the sake of recognition, but for the sake of learning. I think a healthy goal, whether it be personal or for America, is to not repeat your mistakes. Make new oopses to learn from.
